Search multiple excel files for value
Search multiple excel files for value

search multiple excel files for value

' get the next filename and inspect its contentsĮnumerating the contents of an entire workbook, multiplied by the number of workbooks in the directory, I don't think they have a version of Excel for the Cray. If Not (b1) Then Workbooks(fileName).Close ' If all 3 don't match, close the workbook 'If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C1").Value = crit3 Then b3 = True

search multiple excel files for value

'If Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value = crit2 Then b2 = True If Sheets("Operation Report").Range("G1").Value = crit1 Then b1 = True ' Change the sheet and range values to match your inspection cells ' set directory variable to directory of subject files - adjust path to suitĭirectory = "C:\Users\Eastern Intern01\Desktop\TEST1\Mach. ' Adjust these to reference your combo boxes values - I just used a1,2,3 ' Booleans to store results of individual tests What If I dont want to see a specific cell and just check the entire workbook? The name of the Sub should match the button also, you may have to edit itThanks I'll try it out. Loop While strFirstAddress rFound.Address Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

#Search multiple excel files for value code#

Second, are you looking for a match in ANY of the three, or ALL of the three?I Found this code online, I don't know If I can adapt this to what I'm trying to do. The name of the Sub should match the button also, you may have to edit it You'll need to change crit 1-3 to access your combo box values, the path string to the directory, and the sheets()Range() values to match your inspection cells. ScreenUpdating = True End SubĬreate a command button and paste this in. Close ' get the next filename and inspect its contents fileName = Dir () Loop Application. Value = crit3 Then b3 = True ' If all 3 don't match, close the workbook If Not ( b1 And b2 And b3 ) Then Workbooks ( fileName ).

search multiple excel files for value

Value = crit2 Then b2 = True ' Cell with value of third combo box If Sheets ( "Sheet1" ). Value = crit1 Then b1 = True ' Cell with value of second combo box If Sheets ( "Sheet1" ). Open ( directory & fileName ) ' Change the sheet and range values to match your inspection cells ' Cell with value of first combo box If Sheets ( "Sheet1" ). ScreenUpdating = False fileName = Dir ( directory & "*.xl?" ) Do While fileName "" ' initialize tests as false b1 = False b2 = False b3 = False Workbooks. Value ' set directory variable to directory of subject files - adjust path to suit directory = "c:\test\" Application. Sub Button1_Click () Dim directory As String Dim fileName As String Dim sheet As Worksheet ' criteria variables Dim crit1 As Variant Dim crit2 As Variant Dim crit3 As Variant ' Booleans to store results of individual tests Dim b1 As Boolean Dim b2 As Boolean Dim b3 As Boolean ' Adjust these to reference your combo boxes values - I just used a1,2,3 crit1 = Cells ( 1, 1 ).

Search multiple excel files for value